3:28 AM | Author: Four Romanticists
A blog is an up-to-date medium of communication nowadays. Through blog people can express and share their thought and information worldwide. Blog provides many advantages to the users as it allows to obtain various information from different sources, creates other alternative for learning and motivates the users to indulge more into the process of blogging. Blog is the perfect way to organize large amount of information because posts are automatically archived and searchable. In addition, blog is also user-friendly, cheap and easy to navigate thus it attracts people from different walk of life to create their own blog.

Despite the advantages promised by blogs, ironically, four of us never have one. So, when Dr. Rozina assigned us to create our own blog, we took the challenge with arms open wide and promised to ourselves that we will give our best to complete this task. Honestly speaking, we did not have any skill or experience regarding the creation of blog. We started creating the blog with zero knowledge. Therefore, we seek helps from our friends. Here, we would like to give a hearty thanks to Afifah, Afrah, Shima and not forgetting, Huda’s brother-in-law, Mr. Ruzihan. We are also grateful to Sabariah as she has the IIUM wireless connection. Because of her, we can surf the internet for free.

We did not face any trouble in deciding the topic for the blog as we all mutually agreed to focus on the topic of Romanticism in terms of its origin and influence. However, this topic has very broad scope and context, so we have to be very selective in choosing the best and accurate information to be posted in the blog. Nevertheless, we have an advantage in term of the availability of the information on the internet as the Romanticism is a widely known topic. We also found many academic sources for this topic in the library. Moreover, we had learned this exciting topic in three of our courses which are Romantic and Victorian Period, American Literature and Malaysian and Singaporean Literature. So, based on the knowledge that we acquired from the courses, we have the clear picture on planning the content of the blog.

Throughout the process of completing this blog, we have learned a lot of new skills. One of them is that we learned how to create our own blog. The skill is an advantage to us because it added another new skill for our resume. Making this blog happened, we had gone through high and low situation. Four of us had a good time together in completing the task. We laughed, cried, stressed together. We stayed up together until 6.00am for two consecutive days to complete the blog. The task had given us an opportunity to be together. Since this is our final semester, we are fortunate to have each of us in one group and spend time together. At the same time, this assignment makes us went through some problems. Even though we all are computer literate, but we have zero knowledge about blog. Because of that, we had to start from scratch. We mainly learned from our friends that are expert in creating blog. The main problem that we encountered is regarding the details of the blog, for example how to download the template, make the link and organize the archives. But, Alhamdulillah, we managed to overcome the problems. Another problem we faced is time constraint, since all of us are in our final semester, so it is not easy for us to find time to get together because we are busy with assignments from other courses.
It is also a challenge for us to complete one of the topics which is “An Echo of Romanticism in Malaysian Contemporary Poetry”. This is because there are no sources available regarding the topic. Therefore, we had to make our own analysis and study. The process of analyzing the sources was very challenging because we had to start from nothing, thus, we were forced to gather as many information as possible regarding Malaysian poets that wrote about nature, a thousand gratitude to Madam Sheena for her kindness to lend us her book entitled “In-Sights, Malaysian Poems”, because of her book, our task became easier. Depending hundred percent on that book, we chose the most suitable poems for our blog. Then, we analysed the poems to make sure they really have an element of Romanticism. Apart from that, we did not analyse the poem merely based on nature, but to affirm our analysis, we also compared and contrasted the poems with poems of Romanticism poets such as William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. We basically analysed the chosen poems under the guidelines of the poems by these poets.

From all above, this blog is a big achievement to all of us because of our effort for completing this task on time. Heartiest thanks to Dr. Rozina for giving us this wonderful and memorable opportunity.
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